Donna Kay is a working Christian mother of three boys and is employed as an Analytical Chemist at a pharmaceutical testing company. In her free time, she inspires people to be healthy and teaches Health and Fitness classes at her local YMCA. Donna Kay transplanted herself into the Greater Cincinnati Area from Southern Michigan in 1992. She enjoyed running track and playing tennis during her high school and college years. After gaining 80 pounds from the pregnancies of her three boys, she became discouraged. She never thought she could lose the weight or find the energy to exercise. In 2008, as a treat to herself, she hired a personal trainer. Her body was transformed and exercising wasn’t quite the struggle that it used to be. Soon after the weight training, Donna discovered Zumba and like most people loved it from the first time she tried it. It was difficult in the beginning for her to learn the music and dance steps. However, it was easy for her to continue to show up for class because results were almost instant. It was amazing to see how fast the pounds began to shed. Donna remarkably lost all the pregnancy weight and more. She became a licensed Zumba instructor in 2009. Then she ventured into Health and Wellness. She became a certified AFAA Group Fitness Instructor and John Ellis Spencer Wellness Coach to encourage and motivate others. She is in the best shape of her life at 42 years old. Remembering the difficulty that it was for her to learn Zumba, she has adapted her teaching style to take the dance moves and break them down into simpler moves for the beginner and older active adult. You would leave her class feeling refreshed knowing that you had a great “workout”. Her motto is “exercise should be fun, not hard”. Today, Donna Kay has created a website to inspire and give support to others to be happy, healthy, and engaged in life.